Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Post Haste


I haven't blogged in over a month, and that's basically because I've been cooped in either my room or in Cantor building finishing up Thick as Thieves. It's been a lot of sitting around, waiting for things to render, making sure computers weren't logged out by people who didn't quite understand why they were all logged in to the same person.. There was a lot of script writing, which I didn't quite understand (but my only job was to change the variables anyway, which was easy enough), and supervising and animating and reanimating, but not in a cool Herbert West way, more of a "this animation is rubbish, I won't sleep until it's completed" way. Which is fine too, I guess. Haste has been the best word to describe everything - both in the production and the post production, where I spent a whole night mixing sound and music, and editing clips and stuff

But it's finished, finally finished and a hundred times better than Toil and Trouble  ever was. Yeah, remember that? Here it is: watch and love. (Here's a link to it if the embed doesn't work for some reason).

Of course, as I've blogged about before, it's not even close to being all my own work. AndrĂ¡s and Li played huge parts in making it and it wouldn't have been anything close to what it is here without them, so a huge thanks to them. I don't even know what I would have done with this story if I had done it all by myself. It certainly would have looked a lot different.


It occurs that I'm basically not a student anymore, which is not really something I haven't been ever in my life. It's odd to think it.

Here is the finished A2 piece of work I handed in for the concept art module. It's not the composition I had originally wanted to do (originally I wanted something more like the Inception poster where the city overbears the small characters scattered in it), but the design didn't make sense for a poster that was supposed to deal with character design when the characters would be so far away.

I plan on redoing it, with the characters in their original locations when I get back into writing the story. Which I now have time to do! Hopefully I'll have it finished before I find a job, along with the coulpe of other summer things I want to do

The first one of these was to finish a business card and get a .com domain name. both are now achieved, although I'm still having doubts on the domain name. Sometimes it works, sometimes it only works with or without a www and sometimes it doesn't do anything at all. Anyway, i t redirects back to the front page and the link is or, if that one doesn't work, Sometimes an http:// seems to change things too. It's very confusing, but I'm working it out. I've also put on the front page Thick as Thieves, instead of an Enter sign, but I'll switch it with my showreel once that's done.

Here's my business card design:

I tried to keep it simple, with enough on there to show what I did. Everything else is right there on my site anyway.

That's all from me for now. At least I  think so. I'll be compiling a showreel and applying for jobs soon. This is gonna be fun.



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